Thursday, June 11, 2009

Picnics, Friends, Blue Cookies , and a whole lot more….

~Today is a great day. I have been alive for 8402 days, 725,932,800 seconds, 12,098,880 Mins, 201,648 hours, and 1200 Weeks (rounded down). I'm very grateful for all this time!

~I have a lot to be grateful for today. Let me just say that yesterday probably was the best day ever! Nothing too big or special happened…it was just a super good day.

~One thing that I am very grateful for is my Dad. He is pretty awesome. If you don’t know him, you should get to know him. He has been through a lot in his life and I’m very glad that he has always been there for me and helped me become the person I am today. I love you dad!

~Sight. I don’t really know how I would live if I couldn't’t see. I know some people do it but if I missed all the beauty around me every day, I think I would cry. Eyes are pretty amazing.

~Nature. I love the mountains, I love the flowers, I love the grassy hills. I love the sunsets/sunrises, I love the stars at nights. I love anything and everything having to do with outside! You name it. I love going on walks at night and seeing all the stars. My siblings and I sleep outside every now and then when I go home and we stay up till 2am talking about the stars. I don’t understand how people don’t believe in God when there are beautiful things all around us.

~I’m grateful for Brianne Creer. She is my work best friend forever J She is really cool, Newlywed, 5 months older than me. She has been a real blessing to my life. We always have good talks and I usually walk away from them hearing something that I needed to hear that day. She is the bomb and I’m glad that she is in my life.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Things I'm grateful for today!

~I've been thinking a lot about many things I'm grateful for. One of the big ones would have to be my family. I love them so much and I don't know where I would be today with out them. I'm very grateful for the love and support that they have given me and continue to give me.

~For my job. I have a good job right now and when everyone else is losing their jobs, I have a pretty good one. Just praying that it stays that way.

~Prayer. This is one thing that I am very grateful for. I know I'd be lost without it. Over the last year I've come to learn and know that Heavenly Father is there and that He does listen and answer our prayers. Not always in the way that we want but He does listen and answers our prayers. I love it!

~Food. I'm super happy that we have food! I think of all the people with little or no food and i really think that we really take for granted how important food/nutrition is for our us.

~Good Friends. "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words" "A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself"
I'm very grateful to have friends. I'm grateful for the ones who have always been there for me and have been a blessing to me in times of need and have been there to help me relearn the song of my heart. Or the ones who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Kind of cheesy but its the truth. I'm grateful for all the friends that I have. They all have touched my life in one way or another. One day I will let you all know.