Thursday, June 11, 2009

Picnics, Friends, Blue Cookies , and a whole lot more….

~Today is a great day. I have been alive for 8402 days, 725,932,800 seconds, 12,098,880 Mins, 201,648 hours, and 1200 Weeks (rounded down). I'm very grateful for all this time!

~I have a lot to be grateful for today. Let me just say that yesterday probably was the best day ever! Nothing too big or special happened…it was just a super good day.

~One thing that I am very grateful for is my Dad. He is pretty awesome. If you don’t know him, you should get to know him. He has been through a lot in his life and I’m very glad that he has always been there for me and helped me become the person I am today. I love you dad!

~Sight. I don’t really know how I would live if I couldn't’t see. I know some people do it but if I missed all the beauty around me every day, I think I would cry. Eyes are pretty amazing.

~Nature. I love the mountains, I love the flowers, I love the grassy hills. I love the sunsets/sunrises, I love the stars at nights. I love anything and everything having to do with outside! You name it. I love going on walks at night and seeing all the stars. My siblings and I sleep outside every now and then when I go home and we stay up till 2am talking about the stars. I don’t understand how people don’t believe in God when there are beautiful things all around us.

~I’m grateful for Brianne Creer. She is my work best friend forever J She is really cool, Newlywed, 5 months older than me. She has been a real blessing to my life. We always have good talks and I usually walk away from them hearing something that I needed to hear that day. She is the bomb and I’m glad that she is in my life.

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